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blh Designs!

Today marks the day of the official launch of blh Designs! In motocross, looking good is more than half the battle, so why not look the best as possible?

blh Designs is owned and headed by Brandon Houldsworth, who designs the gear that Premium MotoSpodes will be using for the 2015 Motocross. Premium MotoSpodes have decided to team up with blh Designs to bring the best experience for the Spode Nation as possible!

More about blh Designs:

I know what you are thinking, what all can you do and how much is it? Addressing the first part, anything including but not limited to, name and numbers, custom bikes, and custom gear. Here is the big one, it is free, no charge. blh Designs is trying to deliver what people want and charging for that just does not seem right. Below, you will find out to order from blh Designs:


Ordering Form for blh Designs:

Name and Numbers: (Simpliest part, what name and numbers would you like on your order.)

What do you want?: (This is where it may or may not get a little tricky. Since blh Designs offers name and numbers as well as custom gear and bike graphics, you will have to clarify what you want. If you only want your name and number placed on a gear, clarify which gear. This is probably the easiest one, if you want custom gear, all you would have to do is specify in the next two steps how you want it done. If you want custom bike graphics, be sure to include which model and bike you wish it to be one, preferably including source files like a .psd and.jms for ease of access.)

How do you want it?: (For whatever you listed above, how would you want it? This area ideally contains how the design would be done as well as the colors of the design.)

Specifics: (Aside from listing how you want it done, this is where you list the details not addressed above. If you want multiple colorway for gear, be sure to clarify that here. If you want sponsor sticks on a bike, clarify here. If you even what a specific font and size for your name and numbers, you can list that here!)

If you are ordering from blh Designs, please be sure to use the following email address:


Well, that's the pitch, see you out on the track!

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