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Weekly Update #4 (1/19/2015 to 1/25/2015)

Hello and welcome to the fourth installment into the Weekly Update series written and published by Brandon Houldsworth. Before this weeks update, I'd like to inform you that there will be a new section in this and the following updates. This new section will be an upcoming preview to anything that will be published or done by the Premium MotoSpodes soon! Another thing that I personally feel I should address is the occurance of the Weekly Update series. During the Supercross and Motocross series, this series will maintain it weekly schedule, but during the off season it will only be either monthly or bi-weekly. Thank you and let's get to the update!

Weekly Update #4 (1/19/2015 to 1/25/2015)


Finally, a change in pace from weeks past as we finally get past the long winded intro to this weeks Racing segment. Our rider Ryan Wynn would represent the Spode Nation this week in the EMF Supercross series that made their stop in the Stadium in Oakland, California. Wynn would show his speed once again as he qualified 29th in the Lites Class, which would give him a ticket into the night program. He would line up for Heat 1 with a host of other riders looking fast. Although Wynn would finished 11th in the heat and 15th in the CQM, we are pleased with his pace and effort he puts in to his program! Good job Ryan!


Another week, another three video spree between Brandon Houldsworth and Ed Kozak on the Premium MotoSpodes YouTube Channel! The video that I am pleased to highlight for this week is the launch of the Behind the Scenes series. The inaugural episode in the Behind the Scenes video takes place in MX Simulator as Brandon Houldsworth and Ed Kozak try to get the footage for the upcoming How to Bottom Off and Jerk Oot video! This video was edited by Brandon Houldsworth who has finally upgraded to a program that is not Windows Movie Maker, so that's pretty cool! You can find MX Simulator | Behind the Scenes Episode 1: Passing and Take Outs here.


Welcome to the newest segment of the Weekly Update series dubbed "Upcoming". This will highlight and inform you on the upcoming things from the Premium MotoSpodes! There are three things I have the pleasure to announce to you today! The first on being that Tanner Rogers has said the following, "Im currently trying to get a 59.49 on a 125 at oakland, just a special fuck you to ryan." Rogers also stated, "Its hard to get a certain laptime on purpose." It is nice to see Ramrod back in action after a lengthy hiatus from serious racing. The second thing I would like to tease is the second (Kind of the first) episode in the F1 2013 series, Da Bidness Squad Season 1, with Infiniti Red Bull Racing drivers Brandon Houldsworth and Ed Kozak. The second episode will be a legitmate episode unlike the first. This episode features Houldsworth and Kozak doing a 25% duration race at Round 2 of their first serious season! The episode should be up within the following week! The final thing I am highlighting in this segment this week is the upcoming How to Bottom Off and Jerk Oot episode! Although this series is put on by Ed Kozak, the second installment in the series will feature Ed Kozak as Ralph Sheheen and Brandon Houldsworth as Jeff Emig as they commentate over some of the most controversial moments in the recent years of Supercross competition!

The Best Highlight:

Once again, welcome back to the final segment of the update! This week The Best Highlight occured during the filming of the second video in the series Da Bidness Squad Season 1. Ed Kozak was coming around to finish the race as stupidity struck down Kozak. He would fool around on the final corner and final straight and throw away several positions on the last lap of the grand prix. You will see this when the second episode goes up on the Premium MotoSpodes YouTube Channel within the following week! Thank you for your time and I will see you here next week!

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